Thursday, 23 June 2016

अर्थ और प्रयोजन -7

आज की कविता *
(*Please see the English Translation of this Hindi Poem just below it.)
अर्थ और प्रयोजन -7
संवेदन अनुभव से पूर्व है,
संवेदन भव है,
अनुभव को शब्द मत दो,
शब्द है,
अनुभव का आभासी सातत्य ।
और शब्द का सातत्य है स्मृति ।
अनुभव तथ्य है,
शब्द उसका चित्र ।
इसलिए प्रायः हर कोई,
हर अनुभव का,
अपना एक चित्र बना लिया करता है ।
चित्र और शब्द,
शब्द और स्मृति,
जन्म देते हैं पहचान को,
जो केवल कल्पना है,
और उस यथार्थ से भटकाव है,
 जो अनुभव से पूर्व,
अनुभव के साथ,
और अनुभव के बीत जाने पर भी,
यथावत् अपरिवर्तित है ।
किंतु अनुभव को शब्द देते ही,
प्रतीति जन्म लेती है,
और उसे हम विचार की काया में,
आवरित कर लेते हैं ।
विचार जो तरंग है,
क्षणिक, और नश्वर ।
जिसका कभी तो अर्थ होता है,
जो संवाद को संभव करता है,
और कभी प्रयोजन भी,
जिससे अभीष्ट सिद्ध हो जाता है ।
यह शायद ज़रूरी भी है,
शायद अपरिहार्य भी ।
वस्तुओं को शब्द दो ।
वे कुछ नहीं कहतीं ।
न आपत्ति, न विरोध ।
जबकि अनुभव को शब्द दिये जाते ही,
अनेक प्रतीतियाँ और अनेक अर्थ पैदा होने लगते हैं ।
जो हर-एक के लिए,
अपने-अपने अलग-अलग होते हैं ।
प्रतीति प्रेत है,
प्रेताविष्ट मत होओ!
अतीत एक शब्द है,
एक विचार,
एक प्रेतात्मा ।
भविष्य एक शब्द है,
एक विचार,
अतीत का प्रेत ।
और दोनों शब्दों को विसर्जित कर,
उनका पिण्डदान कर दो ।
उनसे मुक्ति ही उनकी मुक्ति है ।
काल से परे की यात्रा का पहला पग ।
निर्विचार, निर्विकार, सनातन, चिरंतन,
नित्य-अनित्य का अधिष्ठान शाश्वत ।
English Translation
अर्थ और प्रयोजन -7
Meaning and Purpose
Perception is prior to experience.
Perception is being.
Don't give word to experience.
Word is but continuity of experience.
And memory is the continuity of word.
Experience is fact,
Word its sketch.
And so every-one tends to sketch out,
One's own picture of experience.
Picture and word,
Word and memory,
Give birth to re-cognition.
Which is but imagination only,
And is straying away from the Reality,
Which is ever so unchangeable,
Before the beginning of experience,
While experience takes place,
And when the experience is no more.
But as soon as experience is given a word,
Appearances come into being.
And we hide them under the skin of thought.
We give them the body of thought.
Thought, which is but a wave,
Momentary and transitory.
Which may though have a meaning,
Which helps sometimes communication happen,
Which may though have a purpose,
Which helps in achieving a desired goal.
It is perhaps needed,
Perhaps unavoidable too.
Give the things a word.
The things don't complain.
The things neither object, nor oppose.
Whereas giving a word to experience,
Crop up a stream of appearances and meanings.
Which are many and divergent,
Opposite and contrary,
Paradoxical and controversial.
Different for each and every-one,
One's own for oneself.
Appearances are apparitions,
Don't get possessed by apparitions,
Past is but a word,
But a thought only.
The ghost of a dead.
Future is again a word,
But a thought only.
The ghost of the dead past.
Discard the two,
Offer salvation to them both.
Freedom from them is their liberation.
The First and last step on a voyage,
Beyond Time.
A voyage into,
The Freedom from thought,
Freedom from deterioration,
A voyage into,
The Eternity Timeless, Genuine,
Incorruptible, Chaste, Virgin,
The Substratum,
The ground from where emerges,
The transitory and the lasting phenomenon.

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