When the God of Creation, the Cosmic Mind (ब्रह्मा) did तपस् to propitiate the Lord Supreme, the Lord pleased and ब्रह्मा was bestowed upon the power for creating the universe.
He created Galaxies, solar systems, planets, black-holes and warm-holes, comets, stars and moons and finally the Earth.
This whole creation was extremely fantastic but there was no one who could appreciate and admire all this.
So ब्रह्मा called upon the Goddess सरस्वती, the Goddess of Art and asked Her to paint a picture of someone who could appreciate and admire His all this creation.
She asked Him for the canvas and the colors to paint the picture.
ब्रह्मा, after a bit deliberation, gave Her Four colors and the Earth where She could paint Her picture of imagination.
There were only Four continents on Earth at the time. She sought help from गणेश who told Her that even if She wanted to paint many continents, these Four colors are sufficient enough.
O. K. She said.
She took the brush and painted the first one in the color of Earth. This was yellow, symbolic of Gold. Then She painted the second in blue, symbolic of Water and Sky. Then She painted the third in the color red, symbolic of Fire. Then She stopped painting and let the fourth colorless, symbolic of Air.
ब्रह्मा was very happy indeed.
He named the continents as :
But then the last two split into :
Enthusia and Confusia, respectively.
The Cosmic Mind (ब्रह्मा) had two daughters namely :
सरस्वती and शारदा.
These two were born from His Head (मूर्द्धा), and not really the biological because He was the beginning of the manifestation where the sentient and insentient forms were yet to appear in His Consciousness.
The continents however spread over the face of Earth and the whole globe.
The people who came to life there lived and in the coming millennia the continents became 7 in number.
ब्रह्मा however couldn't understand what is this all all about.
He knew what the world of His creation was,
He was father to 10 प्रजापति, who in their turn fathered all the 84000 species on earth.
He also knew the three realms namely :
The Physical, the mental and the spiritual, yet he failed to fully understand their significance and purpose any.
He was given Veda which comprised of all knowledge, and He begot this from Saraswati while begot Vedanta from Sharada.
The two twin sisters (His own daughters indeed, but not the biological) had their role in the world, and the 7 colors of rainbow were the plaything and pass time for the two.
He too played with them though couldn't understand what all this phenomena really meant.
He had 5 faces namely :
The mind (where feelings dwelt)
The intellect (where the logic dwelt)
The mood (where the attention dwelt)
And, finally,
The Ego (who always changed form from one to another).
He could see all and any three of the four are but mutually dependent, but invariably have to depend upon the support of ego only.
Interestingly, ego had no form of its own whereby it could be understood.
But even more, a question arose in His mind, exactly "Who" know the existence of "ego"?
Is there yet another "ego" who knows?
Could "ego" be two or many?
Isn't it really one and unique?
The moment this question appeared before Him, He at once went into kind of trance, where all duality ceased to exist.
The "Knowing" and the "Being" merged into "One", and this One knew no "Other".
Yet it was not "darkness" (ignorance), nor movement of the kind.
After along while He came to His present awareness and realized:
All ignorance has to cease for knowledge to come, and all knowledge has to cease for the wisdom to come.
He was drowned in the Bliss,
Eternal, timeless, Absolute and Supreme.
He might never know His Creation still follows Him and would go on in this way for all the coming times.
Next post :
(the abode if Brahma-deva,
- the Cosmic Mind.)