Sunday, 24 March 2019

Evolution in Consciousness.

What is Maturity ?
 Question :
Vinay, I would also like to ask for your help with my problem. In recent times I feel uninterested in the outside world. My passions are only intellectual ones: I read books, listen to conferences on You-tube, above all on psychological topics or related to tarot cards. But I feel that I have no interests outside, I have no passions in the outside world, even work is rather heavy. I often sleep, I sleep too much sometimes. And I eat to much! At the same time, my dreams, instead, indicate a positive inner experience. Like the ones I told you. I don't understand how is possible that inside me there is that laugh and at the same time my daytime life is boring and I feel tired. I also feel that I have too many mental contents. I have also colored many mandalas in an attempt to increase my creativity and to bring order to chaos, but I'm not sure if it is  good thing, because often I feel my head too heavy after coloring mandalas  Do you have any ideas about this problem? I would like to be more active, more full of life and interested about the world around me.
Me :
Very Intelligent indeed!
I'm sorry I forgot to say about the second dream. But that was rather more important.
Really, maturity of the mind is important.
The man is basically animal.
So there are basic compulsions of being the animal.
How-so-ever isolated one can live, an animal can't live all alone.
The stage of 'spiritual' evolution of man begins with the dawn of intellect.
Intellect means ideas that associate things in the cause and effect framework.
So there are multiple causes and effects / consequences and of these, only a few are of concern at a time.
Thought is the tool that helps in analyzing the situation and the need of the moment.
When you have a work to do only the most important and the relevant thought comes up in the mind. All other thoughts that form the total memory go to abeyance. Then, at times there may be multiple needs and multiple choices as well, and there is a conflict of interest. The one that is stronger takes hold and one is captivated by the same. Even then sometimes compulsions force one to opt for an alternative.
All thought is limited to Intellect. Intellect may or may not be a result of wisdom.
So how-so-ever great be the Intellect, wisdom keeps forcing it to move in the framework of cause and effect. The most important is taken care of while the lesser ones are just forgotten. They come up only when there is a threat to life.
When the attention to the 'outward' things has done its work, one begins to realize the absurdity and chaos in the 'outer'.
Then while looking for the purpose and the goal, questioning the utility of all these 'outward' activities, one may soon 'laugh at' this whole phenomenon that is 'life'.
Your 'Laugh' may be indicative of the Reality that lies hidden at the core.
In usual phraseology this means the Ship has cast off the anchor that had stopped  its movement in the violent streams and weather.
Now, you can perhaps understand this even better.
The state of evolution of 'Thought' / Intellect is maturity of the mind.
This is awareness / Intelligence, that could not be classified in terms of personal or collective, though perhaps could be said individual.
But why name it?
Naming soon arrests the object and makes it a part of memory and the knowledge / known.
The level of 'Thought' / Intellect soon attains the state of conflict and confusion and in the process the glimpse that came as awakening of Intelligence is lost.
You can capture and do whatever you would with the 'Thought' / Intellect, but that is not 'Wisdom' as it remains confined within the field of 'knowledge' / 'known'.
This 'knowledge' / 'known'. is truly the barrier but we just fail to understand this fact and keep hoping against hope for some achievement in imaginary future, that is but an intellectual trap again.
रंगपञ्चमी  (होली) की शुभकामनाएँ !
Festival of Holi Greetings! 

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