Monday, 25 May 2015

किमाश्चर्यम् / kimāścaryam!-2,

किमाश्चर्यम् / kimāścaryam! -2.
There is still one more aspect I didn't mention in the last post. That is called 'मल' /  'mala' (ignorance of the self / Self , doubt, getting overridden by desire, anger, attachment, envy, laziness, etc.). This gives us the root 'mala' / 'male' as is, in 'malefic', melancholy, maltreatment, -  meaning 'bad' or 'evil'. Only those who have cleared their mind of this 'mala' / impurity are so able to see this conspiracy of thought that takes us its captive and keeps us in misery.

Now, and 'mAyA'/ 'माया'

Now, and 'mAyA'/ 'माया'

All thinking is a drifting away from the ever-present 'Now'. Though for communication purpose we can't deny the utility of 'thought'. And though thought is a very useful instrument, the obsession with thought, being overwhelmed by thought prompts us to accept things unreal and in-existential as 'our state of being'. Thus thought causes 2 hurdles in seeing the Real.
1 आवरण AvaraNa (hiding the Real)
2. विक्षेप vikShepa (distraction from the Real). This way we are though Real only, lead into believing the unreal in its infinite forms like 'past', 'future', 'birth', 'world', 'hell', 'heaven', etc. as Real. What else is 'mAyA' / illusion?
Awareness of this whole pattern results into freedom from 'Thought'.
In the silent mind this is seen as awakening to the 'Reality'.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

किमाश्चर्यम् / kimāścacaryam

किमाश्चर्यम् / kimāścaryam!

वर्धते प्रवर्धते संवर्धते नित्यम् ब्रह्म ।
आत्मनाऽपि आत्मनि स निजात्मा ॥
न तस्य अन्तरेण कञ्चन् च कोऽपि ।
किमाश्चर्यम् अतो हि परमन्यत् ॥
vardhate pravardhate saṃvardhate nityam brahma |
ātmanā:'pi ātmani sa nijātmā ||
na tasya antareṇa kañcan ca ko:'pi  |
kimāścaryam ato hi paramanyat ||
अर्थ :
ब्रह्म ही अपनी ही निज नित्य और निरंतर आत्मा की तरह से आत्मा में ही, अनेक रूपों और स्तरों पर विस्तृत होता है । ऐसा कुछ कभी कहीं नहीं है, जो उससे भिन्न या पृथक् हो।  इससे बड़ा और आश्चर्य  क्या है?
Meaning :
Brahman in timeless Self own alone, expands, grows and manifests ever so.
There is nothing who-so-ever or what-so-ever that is other than Brahman.
Oh! What other wonder there is greater than this?
विजानाति प्रजानाति सञ्जानाति नित्यं स्वं ।
आत्मनाऽपि आत्मनि स निजात्मा ॥
न तस्य अन्तरेण कश्चन् च कमपि ।
किमाश्चचर्यम् अतो हि परमन्यत् ॥
jānāti prajānāti sañjānāti nityaṃ svām |
ātmanā:'pi ātmani sa nijātmā ||
na tasya antareṇa kaścan ca kamapi |
kimāścacaryam ato hi paramanyat ||
अर्थ :
ब्रह्म ही अपनी ही निज नित्य और निरंतर आत्मा की तरह से आत्मा में ही, अनेक रूपों और स्तरों पर अपने को ही (मैं, तुम, वह, यह और इतर) के रूपों में जानता है । ऐसा कुछ कभी कहीं नहीं है, जो उससे भिन्न या पृथक् हो।  इससे बड़ा और आश्चर्य  क्या है?
Meaning :
Brahman in timeless Self own alone, knows, perceives, greets (as I, you, He, She, That, This and the other) ever so.
There is nothing who-so-ever or what-so-ever that is other than Brahman.
Oh! What other wonder there is greater than this?

कब तक ?

बिखरकर धूल हो गया आखिर,
आखिर, कब तक खड़ा रहता पहाड़ ?
मन पक जाता है तो उसे खा जाने का मन होता है, और जब उसे खा लिया जाता है तो मन कहीं नहीं होता ।
व्याख्या 1
मन जब तक अपरिपक्व होता है, तब तक ही चञ्चल रहता है और एक से दूसरे विषय की ओर भागता रहता है । किन्तु जब यही मन परिपक्व हो जाता है तो स्थिर हो जाता है और आत्मा में लीन हो रहता है ।
व्याख्या 2
मन वृत्तिमात्र हैँ जब यह परिपक्व अर्थात् एकाग्र हो जाता है तो आत्मा में निमज्जित / निमग्न हो जाता है और उससे भिन्न की तरह शेष नहीं रहता ।
मानसं तु किं मार्गणे कृते।
नैव मानसं मार्ग आर्जवात्  ॥
(भगवान श्री रमण महर्षि कृत उपदेश सारः श्लोक 17)
अर्थ : 'मन' क्या वस्तु है, इस बारे में खोज-बीन करने पर इसे नहीं पाया जाता। 
वृत्तयस्त्वहं वृत्तिमाश्रिता ।
वृत्तयो मनो विद्ध्यहं मनः ॥
(भगवान श्री रमण महर्षि कृत उपदेश सारः श्लोक 18)
अर्थ : समस्त वृत्तियाँ 'अहं-वृत्ति ' पर आश्रित होती हैं।
इसलिए वृत्तियाँ ही मन हैं और इस प्रकार 'अहं' भी मन ही है इस प्रकार से 'मन' को जानो ।
टिप्पणी : इस प्रकार 'अहं ' / 'मन' का आभासी अस्तित्व है और जिस 'चेतन तत्व' में यह आभास प्रकट और विलुप्त होता है, वह 'चेतन तत्व' नित्य स्थिर अविकारी आत्मा है ।

Sunday, 17 May 2015

हिरुक् कर्म न मोक्षः?

हिरुक् कर्म न मोक्षः?

'ऋते' के अर्थ में यहाँ  'हिरुक्' अव्यय का प्रयोग व्याकरण की दृष्टि से तो ठीक है, किन्तु शास्त्रों के अनुसार मोक्ष का  कर्म से कोई संबंध नहीं है । मोक्ष तो एकमात्र ज्ञान से ही होता है ।
शास्त्रों के अनुसार मोक्ष केवल और केवल 'ज्ञान' से ही प्रत्यक्ष होता है।
इस बारे में क्रम यह है -
'जीव' को जब तक 'अपने' और 'अपने' संसार के बीच भेद की प्रतीति नहीं होती तब तक वह सुख-दुःख से अछूता होता है इसलिए उसके लिए 'बंधन' और 'मोक्ष' का प्रश्न ही नहीं उठता।  जब इस 'प्रतीति' का उदय होता है तो 'ज्ञान' या 'ज्ञान' का आभास प्रारम्भ होता है।  तब 'जीव' अपने पृथक 'अस्तित्व' को 'जानकर' दुःख की निवृत्ति और सुख की प्राप्ति के लिए यत्न करता है। क्रमशः उसे ज्ञान होता है कि उसका 'संसार' अनित्य होने से उसे स्थायी सुख नहीं दे सकता।  तब उसमें संसार से वैराग्य होने लगता है।  यह 'विवेक' 'ज्ञान' का दूसरा सोपान है। इस प्रकार 'विवेक' और 'वैराग्य' की वृद्धि और यथोचित परिपक्वता होने पर उसे इस 'संसार' का संचालन करनेवाले किसी विधाता के अस्तित्व का ज्ञान होता है किन्तु उस विधाता के स्वरुप के बारे में अनिश्चय तथा अस्पष्टता फिर भी बनी रहती है।  तब वह उसके स्वरूप का ज्ञान पाने की चेष्टा करता है।  इस प्रकार का कर्म नहीं, उसे उस कर्म के लिए प्रेरित करनेवाला ज्ञान ही उस विधाता के स्वरूप के बारे में उसे किसी असंदिग्ध निश्चय तक ले जाता है।  इसलिए विभिन्न प्रकार के अलग अलग 'कर्म' करते हुए भी कोई तो उस ज्ञान को प्राप्त कर लेता है जबकि कोई अन्य उसे नहीं प्राप्त कर पाता।
पुनः कर्म से फल की प्राप्ति भी 'विधाता' के ही निश्चय पर अवलम्बित होती है।  किसी भी कर्म के 'फल' के लिए जो 5 कारक सहायक होते हैं उनकी विवेचना गीता के अध्याय 18 श्लोक  13, 14, 15, 16 में दृष्टव्य हैं।
सांख्य और कर्म के माध्यम से 'ज्ञान' और तत्पश्चात 'मोक्ष' की प्राप्ति की दो प्रकार की 'निष्ठाओं' का वर्णन गीता अध्याय 3 श्लोक 3 में  कही गई  है।
इस विषय में 'जीवमात्र' अपने अपने संस्कारों के अनुसार 'सृष्टिकर्ता' को जानकर या तो उसके प्रति पूर्ण समर्पण  से, या कर्मफल के त्याग से ही 'मोक्ष' प्राप्त कर लेता है।
इस प्रकार शास्त्रों और आचार्यों के अनुसार 'कर्म' से ज्ञान का कोई प्रत्यक्ष (सीधा) सम्बन्ध नहीं है  हाँ, कर्म की कुशलता (अर्थात कर्म को किस भावना से किया जाता है) को ही योग कहा गया है।  तात्पर्य यह कि यहां भी 'भावना' ही कर्म को योग का स्वरूप प्रदान करती है।  कर्म को वैसे भी 'जड' कहा गया है।
कर्तुराज्ञया प्राप्यते फलम् । 
कर्म किं परं कर्म तज्जडम् । ।
(भगवान श्री रमण महर्षि कृत उपदेश-सारः श्लोक 1)

Saturday, 16 May 2015

ऋक् साम यजुः / ṛk sāma yajuḥ

ऋक् साम यजुः / ṛk sāma yajuḥ
ज्ञान / भक्ति / कर्म  / jñāna bhakti karma 

वर्तते इति वृत्तिः
वर्तते वर्तमानम् ।
विवर्तते अधर्मः
प्रवर्तते स धर्मः ।
धर्म > आचार + विचार,
vartate iti vṛttiḥ
vartate vartamānam |
vivartate adharmaḥ
pravartate sa dharmaḥ |
dharma > ācāra + vicāra,
वेद / Veda ’विद्’ > (ज्ञाने),
The verb-root veda / Veda is derived from ’vid’ > (jñāne)
meaning to perceive.
Veda in this sense means what is perceived (but not interpreted).
The three forms of pure perception (of 'Brahman') are termed as
ऋक् / ṛk,  sāma / साम, / yajuḥ / यजुः
Are respectively  the same as :
ज्ञान / jñāna, भक्ति / bhakti, and कर्म / karma
And the three aspects of the same approach धर्म  /  dharma >  ācāra + vicāra, that one has to follow for attaining the Ultimate Reality.
ज्ञान / jñāna, is ऋक् / ṛk, that is dirct perception of The Reality / Brahman,  
sāma / साम, is भक्ति / bhakti, that is devotion to the same Reality and is performed by way of singing the praise of The lord.
yajuḥ / यजुः is the ritual form of worshiping The Lord.
And thus discharging one's duties as prescribed by the scriptures with due respect and sincerity also results in the propitiating Him.
We have been told that There are 4 'Vedas'.
That Classification is meant for another purpose.
Moreover whatever is there that is in the Fourth Veda, namely  'अथर्व' / 'atharva' could be found in the 3  other Veda-s. So 'अथर्व' / 'atharva' has been formed / restructured only from the 'mantra-s' of those 3 earlier texts.
As 'Veda' is not literally a book / text, but the 'knowledge' in its purest form, It is There ever in existence and becomes 'manifest and disappears again and again.
What we call 'आकाशिक - रेकॉर्ड्स' / 'AkAshika Records'.
As is this 'Veda' the 'Cosmic Memory' / 'Knowledge', that helps ब्रह्मा / brahmā  in every successive 'सृष्टि' / 'sR^ShTi', just so  is there 'पुराण' / 'purANa', that is the 'Cosmic Memory' / 'Knowledge' that is the basis for appearance and disappearance of the whole phenomenal existence.
Again there is another triad, namely the 'puruSha' That too manifests in multiplicity of infinite 'creatures', each and every-one of whom is 'perfect' in its own existence.
This ' युगपत् सृष्टि / प्रलय' / 'yugapat  sR^ShTi / pralaya' / Simultaneous manifestation and dissolution at three levels of world, soul and Totality / Self on one hand, and the 'person', 'individual', and the Lord as the Cosmic Intelligence Principle on the other, is the One Single movement which has no beginning or end. 
Again There are intermediate 'existences' / adjuncts / spiritual entities that are instrumental in carrying out this whole 'program' incessantly. 
Thus a man by his actions (yajna) can ascend to superior Realms of 'devata', who look after at the subtle levels of existence. They too have a finite 'life' and once that period is over, they return on the plane of mortals and have to go through the all the troubles so long as they are not freed from ignorance.
This 'devatA' principle is therefore not a 'concept' or premise, but a formal utility, which enables the life more smooth and helps every-one to mature.
This may be interesting to see that though these 'devata' are not the Supreme Authority but have to live their 'life' through performing their roles in granting wishes of humans, who seek pleasures of swarga or riddance from pains.
But there are men pure enough and mature, who seek The Supreme Lord only, even though worshiping these 'devata'. And they attain Him through devoting to these 'devatA', who themselves are not free from sorrow and 'rebirth'.
So these 'devatA' maintain the order at the subtle level.
When we study 'purANa' we see the same 'Truth' of the play of the Existence through the eye of an individual, who is also a 'person' and an 'indivisibility' also at the same time. So what happens for one is never true for any other, but as a 'collective-truth', it is ever so true.
And so we find the 18 major 'purANa' narrate the play of manifestation (sR^ShTi) and  dissolution (pralaya) in different ways.
Then we also fail in grasping the language of the 'purANa', for the simple reason that we have no direct access to the 'story' and the 'characters' they talk about. We doubt if 'pR^thivI' the 'Earth' could be (a) 'devI' / 'devatA'.
As was said earlier, 'devatA' is but a principle, though conscious-one like us, If we see that 'pR^thivI means the 'Earth' is but the same thing that is known to a physicist as 'gravity', or 'agni' / Fire is the principle that is Light / Heat, we could instantly understand what purANa tell us in their narration of phenomenal events. And these events are not centered around you or me or some person, but is with reference to all and totality as well. Seeking their meaning in 'my' or 'your' past is but a great effort in vain.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

॥ अथर्वणस्पृशस् ॥ ॥ atharvaṇaspṛśas ॥ - 2 --

॥ अथर्वणस्पृशस् ॥
॥ atharvaṇaspṛśas ॥ - 2
॥ आदि-स्पृशस् ॥
॥ ādi-spṛśas ॥
The Prime Space  
The Prime or the foremost important space is
॥ आदि-स्पृशस् ॥ ॥ ādi-spṛśas ॥ ,
Which is the very beginning of All Manifestation (सृष्टि / sṛṣṭi).
This Manifestation is ever so Whole that has no purpose or aim, goal or desire what-so-ever.
But once emerged from its latent potential, there are many dimensions where it could be seen to function as different independent attributes (उपाधि / upādhi). These many dimensions seemingly so different in appearance form a unique Compact Space, where every element is in an equivalence relation to every and each other.
The second is धर्म / dharma or the essential nature.
As has been said in the last para,
"This Manifestation is ever so Whole that has no purpose or aim, goal or desire what-so-ever...."
The movement of this धर्म / dharma is seen in 3 core forms.
अर्थ artha
काम kāma
मोक्ष mokṣa
The Third is
जगत् / jagat
चेतना / cetanā
समष्टि / samaṣṭi
Again, समष्टि / samaṣṭi, could be termed as  ब्रह्मन् / brahman,
The interplay of the above 3 entities namely;
जगत् / jagat
चेतना / cetanā
समष्टि / samaṣṭi
gives rise to an apparent multiplicity of the next Fourth Space comprising of the elements
उपादान / upādāna
जीव / jīva
ईश्वर / īśvara
उपादान / upādāna
aspect is the material aspect of the world, the 5 gross elements the perceptible 'world' is made of.
The जीव / jīva aspect is the individual consciousness limited to an organism within the periphery of its physical body, though there are the secondary developments in the form of 'experience' and 'response' to that 'experience' that seems to constitute the sense of one's independent existence in the world, but could not be defined or explained. Nevertheless, it could never be refuted or denied, through logic or experience what-so-ever because that would be simply absurd.
ईश्वर / īśvara
aspect is the Intelligence Principle That is the support and The Unique Principle that governs and maintains 'order' and rules over the 'destiny' of the Life / Manifestation as a Whole.
Then this Whole समष्टि / samaṣṭi, The Existence as a Whole that has a so smooth orderly functioning, is not disorderly, random distribution of events and happenings, but are a compact manifest extremely complex at the same time, way of representation of the Fundamental Laws, our science only discovers and never knows 'Who' or 'What' is the thing that established / ordained those Laws.
Science or Mathematics are based on 'intellect' and can't even hope to see what gives rise to the activity of 'intellect'. Where-from intellect has a beginning, how, what path exactly it follows and to what result.
But still one could always infallibly detect a simple fact of 'awareness' about the whole phenomena, one comes across.
This 'awareness' is not intellect, but something superior, and no one is ever deprived of this 'awareness'.
In a way it is ever there, though not 'born' or 'dead' at any moment.
And there is no need to define it.
This spontaneous realization though always available to every-one, we fail to look at it, just because obsessed by intellect.
धर्म / dharma once again.
is the essential 'nature' of the Existence, its manifestation enables the riches of Life. Of the individual, collective and total.
Once the धर्म / dharma is discovered and acquired, अर्थ artha follows, and the काम kāma is accomplished, काम kāma is the urge of flowering inherent in the seed that is the very being of Existence. Fulfillment of  काम kāma implies the return of the 'spiri' to the perfection that is ever there, but was hidden under the cover of अर्थ artha and काम kāma . This is the attainment of
मोक्ष mokṣa, returning to the source of all life and manifestation.
अर्थ artha means the system that facilitates accomplishment of काम kāma. काम kāma is the urge, the movement of will to reach the perfection of being. When this urge is impure and weak, it tends to go to in the direction of perversion which implies that the urge has drifted away from the normal course of the real fulfillment, It just destroys the spirit and takes the 'world' too in its stride. There is ambition, competition, jealousy, envy, anger, violence and all such things that cause grief, sorrow, misery, and ultimately the death.

॥ अथर्वणस्पृशस् ॥ - ॥ atharvaṇaspṛśas ॥ -1.

॥ अथर्वणस्पृशस् ॥ ॥ atharvaṇaspṛśas ॥ -1.
नारायण नारायण ॥
वाच्यार्थ, लक्ष्यार्थ, यथार्थ और परमार्थ
[ vācyārtha, lakṣyārtha, yathārtha aura paramārtha ]
Personality, individuality, indivisibility and spirituality.
एकम् सत् विप्राः बहुधा वदन्ति
ekam sat viprāḥ bahudhā vadanti.
Is the dictum ( दिष्टम् / diṣṭam ) that I have followed in defining .
The same Reality has been expressed in many ways in ॥ अथर्वण atharvaṇas ॥
of various entitities the Supreme Reality manifests through. Each one is necessary and sufficient in itself in treating the subject-matter of these texts.
The core- ॥ अथर्वण atharvaṇas ॥ texts are  Brahman
गणेश, gaṇeśa,
शिव, śiva,
देवी, devī,
सूर्य, sūrya,
नारायण, nārāyaṇa,
These 5 entities that are the foundation of धर्म, dharma, सनातन-धर्म, sanātana-dharma, are the way to spirituality. These 5 names and forms of spirituality are but the manifest links ( लिंग / liṃga ) that become the way to that nameless and formless Reality which is otherwise termed as 'ब्रह्म / brahma / Brahman'.
Only those aspirants who are of pure mind and intellect, and have become mature enough in विवेक / viveka (discrimination) and वैराग्य / vairāgya (dispassion), are the (अधिकारी / adhikārī ) deserving and can follow the discipline of the search into this Reality.
Therefore such rare ones could directly gain spiritual wisdom by just going through ॥ अथर्वण atharvaṇas ॥, while those who are not so mature, but have a scholarly inclination only can attain the same if they don't doubt vedika scriptures and enquire without prejudice that usually govern the minds of immature, impure but possess the urge also though not a strong enough.
Let us recall the topological 'Spaces' with reference to 'equivalence-relation' and 'equivalence-class'.
We know how an 'equivalnce-relation' between two elements of a set is defined .
For example if for every element namely a, b, c etc. in a Set, there exists a function / relation such that :
a~a, a~b => b~a, and a~b, b~c => a~c,
Then this function is called an 'equivalence-relation'.
One example of this is,
Let A be the set of all 'cousins'.
This Set A could further have a sub-set say B, where-in all the elements fulfill the three conditions enumerated as above.
We can see that if A is such a set of all cousins, there may be some who are not cousins of some others. Yet, there could be number of cousins who indeed form a set where the above 3 conditions are satisfied.
a~a, a~b => b~a, and a~b, b~c => a~c,
This simple example illustrates how we could define and examine if there are such Sets [॥अथर्वणस्पृशस्॥/॥atharvaṇaspṛśas॥]
which truly and strictly follow the above conditions.
Though I have already worked-out how to proceed and present this research in the subject mater of what I call ' वैदिक गणित / vaidika gaṇita’ 'Vedika Mathematics' this study on my part is presently at an introductory stage only, and it will definitely be appreciated if the scholars of Veda and This-day Mathematics could go through this and examine its scope, applicability and validity of this study.
The First and the most prominent example that could elaborate my point is the 'वेदान्त-दर्शन / vedānta-darśana /  ब्रह्म-सूत्र / brahma-sūtra' of 'बादरायण - व्यास / bādarāyaṇa -vyāsa'.
The next is various 'अथर्वशीर्ष / atharvaśīrṣa' that are chanted as vedikahymns in praise of the same Unique Principle which has been given different names and forms such as :
गणेश, gaṇeśa,
शिव, śiva,
देवी, devī,
सूर्य, sūrya,
नारायण, nārāyaṇa,
Transactions of the blavatsky lodge 
Will help us understand how 'infinite [॥अथर्वणस्पृशस्॥/॥atharvaṇaspṛśas॥] ' exist and give rise to infinite individual 'souls'.
Again this One Space namely comprising of 'Personality', 'indivisibility' and 'individuality' could be treated a a single 'principle' that is enough and sufficient to understand the whole 'matrices'.
I had gone through this work in its full text during 1986-7, when I was also a student of M.Sc. in Mathematics. And I often used to 'relate' whatever 'came to me' with the subject matter of my study in my academic course.
I didn't know then that one day I shall (after some 25 years) I shall come across this
And now when I again went through this link, I see the importance of the words in the book which in a way 'assemble' the 'wisdom' at the peripheral level only and then somehow help us realize what went wrong during the ascent of the 3 so-called 'religions' which were but responsible for and aimed at the destruction of the whole humanity.


Friday, 8 May 2015

आज की संस्कृत रचना -- 08/05/2015

आज की संस्कृत रचना
सुमेरुः ऊर्ध्वं यस्याः दक्षिणे गणनायकः ।
हंसवाहिनि नमस्तुभ्यं विद्यादानञ्च देहि मे ॥
sumeruḥ ūrdhvaṃ yasyāḥ dakṣiṇe gaṇanāyakaḥ ।
haṃsavāhini namastubhyaṃ vidyādānañca dehi me ||
भावार्थ :
जिसके ऊर्ध्व में सुमेरु है, और दक्षिण में गणनाथ हैं,
हे हंसवाहिनि सरस्वती माता, तुम्हें मेरा प्रणाम है ।
Meaning :
One having The Great Sumeru at the corona, and gaNesha at the right, O haṃsavāhini! My obeisance to you, Give me knowledge and skill.
कृत्वा जगत् दृष्टिबाह्यं स्मरेत्यो इष्टं प्रभुम् ।
त्वरितमाप्नोति सान्निध्यं शिप्रं हि प्रभुकृपाम् ॥
भावार्थ :
संसार को दृष्टि से हटाकर (अपने नेत्र बन्दकर और मन से भी संसार के किसी भी विषय का चिन्तन न करते हुए), जो इष्ट प्रभु का स्मरण (ध्यान) करता है, उसे शीघ्र ही प्रभु का सान्निध्य और कृपा प्राप्त हो जाती है ।
kṛtvā jagat dṛṣṭibāhyaṃ smaretyo iṣṭaṃ prabhum |
tvaritamāpnoti sānnidhyaṃ śipraṃ hi prabhukṛpām ||
Meaning :
One who having removed the attention of the world from the mind, having closed the eyes meditates over and thinks of the Lord Beloved, soon accomplishes His vicinity and Grace.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

नन्द् / 'nand'

नन्द् -[समृद्धौ, नन्दति, नन्दित, नन्दयति, निनन्दयति, नन्द्यते]  खुश होना,
नन्द - प्रसन्न, श्रीकृष्ण के पालक पिता, (नन्द-यशोदा), नन्दी दुर्गा,
नन्दक - विष्णु की तलवार,
नन्दन -[आनन्दयिता] -प्रसन्न होने / करनेवाल, नन्दनम् - इन्द्र का उपवन, नन्दनः सन्तान, पुत्र, नन्दना पुत्री,
नन्दनद्रुम - नन्दनवन् के वृक्ष
अभिज्ञाश्छेदपातानां क्रियन्ते नन्दनद्रुमाः (कुमारसंभवम्, 2)
नन्दिक / नन्दिन् / नन्दी / शिव का वृषभ.
नन्दिग्राम वह गाँव जहाँ श्रीराम के वनवास के समय भरत रहे थे ।
नन्दिघोष - अर्जुन के रथ का नाम,
कठोपनिषद् अध्याय 1 , वल्ली प्रथमा
ॐ उशन् ह वै वाजश्रवसः  सर्व वेदसं  ददौ । तस्य ह नचिकेता नाम पुत्र आस् ॥1॥
अर्थ : (उष् - उशन् > जलाना, यज्ञ करना,  उशन् - यज्ञ के द्वारा स्वर्ग और समृद्धि, आयु आदि की प्राप्ति करने का अभिलाषी ) वाजश्रवा के पुत्र, यज्ञ के द्वारा संसार से मुक्ति की अभिलाषा से विश्वजित् नामक यज्ञ का अनुष्ठान किया, जिसमें उसने अपना सारा धन आदि ब्राह्मणों को दान दे दिया । वाजश्रवा का एक पुत्र था जिसका नाम नचिकेता था ।
तम् ह कुमारम् सन्तम् दक्षिणासु नीयमानासु श्रद्धाऽऽविवेश सोऽमन्यत ॥2॥
अर्थ : वह अभी कुमार ही था जब उसने देखा कि ब्राह्मणों को दक्षिणा के रूप में देने हेतु गायों को ले जाया जा रहा है । और उन गायों को देखकर उसका हृदय दुःख से कातर हुआ, वह सोचने लगा,...
पीतोदका जग्धतृणा दुग्धदोहा निरीन्द्रियाः ।
अनन्दा नाम ते लोकास्तान् स गच्छति ता ददत् ॥
(कठोपनिषद् 1-1-3)
जिन्होंने अन्तिम बार जल पी लिया है, अर्थात् अब जल भी त्याग चुकी हैं, जिन्होंने तृण खा लिए हैं अर्थात् अब अन्न भी त्याग चुकी हैं, जिन्हें पूरी तरह दुह लिया गया है अर्थात् अब उनसे दुग्ध या वत्स की आशा नहीं की जा सकती, जो मनुष्य ऐसी गाएँ दान में देता है, वह दानदाता, अनन्द नामक लोकों को प्राप्त होता है । अनन्द अर्थात् जहाँ कोई सुख-शान्ति नहीं है ।
आ प्रत्यय के साथ आनन्द, अभि प्रत्यय के साथ अभिनन्दन,  प्रत्यय के साथ अनन्द,  

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

प्रतिमा / pratimā

प्रतिमा / pratimā
प्रति उपसर्ग का प्रयोग विपरीत / opposite, शत्रुतापूर्ण / against,  सामने / facing , तुलना / comparison दर्शाने में होता है,
'प्रतिकूल' का अर्थ है विरोधी, शत्रुतापूर्ण ।
'प्रतिबोध' का अर्थ है प्रत्युत्तर response,
'प्रतिबिम्ब' अर्थ है समान आकृति / reflection.
'प्रतिछाया' का अर्थ है छाया shadow या प्रत्याकृति / image,
'प्रतिमूर्ति' का अर्थ है एकदम यथार्थ जैसी आकृति चित्र या वास्तु के रूप में त्रि-आयामी या कलात्मक।
इसलिए एक राग (स्वरों का विशिष्ट संयोजन) 'देवता' के स्वरूप की साक्षात अभिव्यक्ति हो सकता है ।
इसलिए एक स्वर-वर्ण संयोजन (मंत्र-विशेष) भी इसी तरह 'देवता' के स्वरूप की साक्षात अभिव्यक्ति हो सकता है । इस प्रकार 'साम' स्तुति के लिए 'प्रतिमा' समान है ।
इसलिए ॐ अपने विशुद्ध स्वरूप में परमात्मा की ही साक्षात् अभिव्यक्ति है ।
'मान' पद (शब्द) 'मा' > पूजायाम् > पूजा के अर्थ में, 'स्तम्भे' > स्थापित करने के अर्थ में 'मा' धातु से बनता है ।
'प्रतिमान' का अर्थ हुआ आदर्श / standard  / criteria / equivalent
'प्रतिमा' का अर्थ / तात्पर्य अब आप स्वयं तय कीजिए ।
'प्रतिमा' का एक अर्थ होता है 'उपमा' > सन्निकट स्वरूप ।        
जैसा कि श्वेताश्वतर उपनिषद् अध्याय 4, श्लोक 4, में है,
(गीताप्रेस गोरखपुर 'ईशादि नौ उपनिषद्'  में यही अर्थ स्पष्ट है),
(ISBN 81-293-0308-6)
नैनमूर्ध्वम् न तिर्यञ्चम् न मध्ये परिजग्रभत् ।
न  तस्य प्रतिमा अस्ति यस्य नाम महद्यशः ॥

यहाँ उल्लेखनीय है कि  मूर्तिपूजा के विरोधी कुछ लोग इस मन्त्र  / श्लोक को इस प्रमाण के रूप में प्रस्तुत करते हैं कि इस उपनिषद में ईश्वर की मूर्ति नहीं हो सकती, ऐसा प्रतिपादित किया गया है ।

Saturday, 2 May 2015

नेति-इति-अन्विति / (neti-iti-anviti)

There is a similar approach named as 'anti-thesis-thesis-synthesis.
This (neti-iti-anviti) approach is different from the above in the sense, that this followes the vedāntika way to a great extent.
The vedāntika way is unique an approach that takes nothing for granted.
vedāntika way is always a new beginning, so no question of faith or doubt in authority. Of course there is a 'discipline', but that is the essential and minimal requirement that too follows from an understanding and is not imposed because of the fear or hope, desire or expectation. This discipline comes through the urge for understanding the truth, fact, illusion and the false. This urge itself is the most authentic ground where-from the search begins with. Only a free mind / consciouseness that is not a slave to fear, desire, concepts of any kind of God, or even religion in any of the many forms.
So understanding is the key-word that determines the discipline.
In comparison to 'belief', 'faith' or doubt in anything, in a 'God', or a 'messenger of God', in any organized 'religion', 'understanding' is the direct approach that needs no assertion. A belief / 'faith' needs constant assertion. That need arises because of ignorance of the truth about anything, - a 'God', a 'messenger', a so-called sacred 'book', or an 'ideal'. When we don't know the truth, we are in fear, in false hope or in doubt. This state of the mind persists as long as we see the truth of the thing.
What is vedāntika?
We are told there is 'A Reality', which is ever untouched by change. and few have 'discovered' this 'Reality' by searching for it, by trying in a disciplined way prompted by an urge to find out the same through right understanding only and not by a wishful 'belief' / 'faith' or doubt about its existence. Of course there is an initial trust that is again a result of contemplation over the certain visible aspects of that 'Reality'.
In vedānta, these visible aspects are termed 'लिंग'/  'liṃga'.
It is quite easy to see that we can talk of existence of fire by the presence of smoke.
We can then try to investigate what are those smoke-fumes? Are they just clouds or smog or really there is something there behind them. The initial trust that there must be something that caused those billowing forms is neither a 'belief' nor 'faith' and like-wise not a irrational 'doubt'. We are free to investigate and find out.
But there should be urge also.
In this way vedānta is not a 'belief-system' to be accepted blindly or to be 'forced-upon' any-one who is not interested. More-over 'vedānta' in addition speaks about the eligible, the 'अधिकारी' /  'adhikārī', who can lead onto one or follow this way. And this is in no way with an intention of restricting some from finding out the truth on their own. This is simply because vedānta never forces anything nor claims nothing. But there are some preliminary conditions that need to be fulfilled. If those conditions are not observed, the whole exercise of imparting (the understanding of)  'Reality' is in vain.
One should have realized that the world as perceived by the senses and the image of that world, the pleasures and the pains of existing in that world is only a cause of dissatisfaction and has no end. And at the same same time, nothing lasts or acquired, preserved for any 'future'. 'Grief' is a permanent feature of this perceived world-image.
Then one comes across an urge to find out, 'Is this all?' Or is there an existence beyond this, where no grief, suffering persists any more. What is 'permanent' here?
Then one somehow realizes that there is this 'consciousness' associated with his sense of being that never leaves him. One concludes with full conviction that this 'consciousness' is possibly the only 'permanent' thing one is in possession of. One can easily check for oneself, by no logic, experience or belief, faith, doubt, any evidence of what-so-ever kind, could he negate the existence of this 'consciousness' associated with very sense of his being. For the simple reason that in the absence of this 'consciousness' nothing remains to be talked about.
When one delves even deeper in the question of the emerging and subsiding of this 'consciousness' again and again, this culminates into another further understanding that there is a firm unshakable ground from where this 'consciousness' repeatedly arises and subsequently merges into. Every-day. And because 'one' has an in-interrupted 'existence' during the sleep and dream, or the 'other states of mind', one is but convinced that firm ground is but is everyone's Reality.
Though this understanding could not be described because of many reasons, one keen on finding out this has a way to it, regardless of any books, Gurus or teachers. Though their help cannot be underestimated, the urge to find out is the very cause that enables one to attain this understanding.

Friday, 1 May 2015

’अहम्’ / ’aham’

’अहम्’ / ’aham’
’अलोऽन्तस्य’ (अष्टाध्यायी, 1.1.52.)
में जिस ’अल्’ प्रत्याहार’ का उल्लेख है, उसका विस्तृत रूप है :
अ इ उ ऋ लृ ए ओ ऐ औ ह य व र ल ञ म ङ ण न झ भ घ ढ ध ज ब ग ड द ख फ छ ठ थ च ट त क प श ष स ह ।
तात्पर्य यह कि वर्ण माला के सभी वर्ण जिसमें सम्मिलित हैं वह प्रत्याहार ’अल्’ के रूप में भी जाना जाता है । वर्णमाला के ही दूसरे रूप में,
अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ॠ लृ लॄ ए ऐ ओ औ अं अः
क ख ग घ ङ,
च छ ज झ ञ,
ट ठ ड ढ ण,
त थ द ध न,
प फ ब भ म,
य र ल व,
श ष स ह,
उपरोक्त सभी वर्ण होते हैं । इन्हें भी एक अन्य रीति से संक्षेप में ’अहं-प्रत्यय’ के रूप में जाना जाता है,
वर्ण का अर्थ है व्यक्त-स्वरूप, वाणी या आकृति के रूप में समस्त अभिव्यक्ति ’वर्ण’ के अन्तर्गत है । इसलिए ’अहं’ / ’अल्’ दोनों पद ’सर्व’ तथा ’ब्रह्म’ के ही पर्याय हैं ।
इस प्रकार ’अहम्’ नामक वस्तु, व्यक्त और अव्यक्त इन दो रूपों में सदैवे अकाट्यरूप से ग्राह्य है । वर्तमान में जो हमारे प्रत्यक्ष संवेदन के अन्तर्गत ग्राह्य होता है उसके अस्तित्व पर तो सन्देह उठाया जाना संभव ही नहीं है, किन्तु इसी वर्तमान में कार्यशील ’बुद्धि’ नामक जिस यन्त्र के माध्यम से मनुष्य दूरस्थ स्थित वस्तुओं, स्थितियों आदि का अनुमान करता है और दूसरों की पुष्टि से उन्हें सत्य समझता है, वह बुद्धि, वह मन भी किसी चेतन-तत्त्व के आश्रय से ही अस्तित्ववान है, इस बारे में सन्देह करना तक उस चेतन तत्व के अस्तित्व को असिद्ध नहीं कर सकता । इसलिए जागृत अवस्था में अनुभव किए जानेवाले विषयों के अतिरिक्त भी जो भिन्न स्थितियाँ मन-बुद्धि की होती हैं, उन्हें जागृत दशा में जिस प्रकार ’अव्यक्त’ कहा जाता है, उनकी अपनी प्रकट स्थिति में जागृत दशा भी वैसी ही ’अव्यक्त’ होती है । इस प्रकार हम अस्तित्व के एक ही आधारभूत आश्रय को ’वह’, ’तुम’ और ’मैं’, तथा यह, वह, ’कौन’ इन विभिन्न रूपों में इंगित करते हैं । व्याकरण की दृष्टि से जिसे क्रमशः ’अन्य पुरुष’, ’मध्यम पुरुष’ तथा ’उत्तम पुरुष’ कहा जाता है । अंग्रेज़ी में इन्हें क्रमशः 'third person', 'second person' एवं 'first person' कहा जाता है ।
वह, वे,  ’यह’ ’ये’ अन्य पुरुष के उदाहरण हैं ।
तुम, आप मध्यम पुरुष के उदाहरण हैं ।
’मैं’, ’हम’ उत्तम पुरुष के उदाहरण हैं ।
इसलिए ’अहम्’ का व्यावहारिक तात्पर्य है वह अर्थ जो कि ’मैं’ अथवा ’हम’ के रूप में ग्रहण किया जाता है ।
किन्तु इस अर्थ को भी तीन प्रकार से ग्रहण किया जा सकता है और विवेचना के द्वारा हम समझ सकते हैं कि इसकी आवश्यकता और उपयोगिता किसे है और किसे नहीं ।
आत्मा का प्रत्यक्ष लक्षण यह है कि वह सदैव स्व-निर्देशित है । अर्थात् कोई ऐसा नहीं है जो ’मैं’ से अनभिज्ञ हो । हर मनुष्य, प्राणिमात्र अपने-आपके अस्तित्व की सत्यता के संबंध में असंदिग्ध रूप से सुनिश्चित होता है और इस बारे में  कोई प्रश्न तक नहीं किया जा सकता । अपने अस्तित्व की इस अकाट्य सत्यता को किसी तर्क, प्रमाण या अनुभव से झुठलाया नहीं जा सकता । इस प्रकार यह सत्यता स्वयंसिद्ध तथ्य है ।
अपने अस्तित्व की अभिव्यक्ति के अनेकार्थी पद ’अहम्’ के भिन्न भिन्न अर्थ भिन्न भिन्न सन्दर्भों के अनुसार बदलते रहते हैं । वाच्यार्थ के रूप में अपने नाम-रूप के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग किया जाता है । लक्ष्यार्थ के रूप में उस व्यक्ति के अर्थ में जिसे हर मनुष्य ’मैं’ समझता-मानता है । जीव के अर्थ में उस चेतना से जो व्यक्ति और नाम-रूप की निरन्तर परिवर्तनशील स्थिति में भी उसके आश्रय और पहचान के लिए सहायक है । यही जीव-चेतना व्यक्ति-निरपेक्ष रूप में समष्टि चेतना ही है, जिसे समष्टि के सन्दर्भ में ’परमात्मा’ कहा जाता है और व्यक्त-अव्यक्त दोनों रूपों में इसके समग्र स्वरूप को अविकारी ब्रह्म कहा जाता है । इसलिए ’अहम्’ का निहितार्थ हुआ ’ब्रह्म’ ।
’अहम्’ का इस प्रकार का तीन भिन्न अर्थों में सन्दर्भ के अनुसार भिन्न अर्थ ग्रहण किया जाना चाहिए ।    
श्रीभगवद्रमणमहर्षिविरचितद्राविडग्रन्थस्य संस्कृतानुवादात्मकम्
भारद्वाजेन कपालिना विरचितेन भाष्येण संयुतम्
अरुणाचलक्षेत्रस्थ-रमणाश्रमनिर्वाहकाध्यक्षेण प्रकाशितम्

’सर्वम्’ खलु इदं ब्रह्म’, ’एकमेव-अद्वितीयं ब्रह्म’, ’सत्यं-ज्ञानं-अनन्तं-ब्रह्म’, ’प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म’ -इत्यादि परमार्थ-सत्य-प्रतिपादकेषु वाक्येषु प्रथमपुरुषं प्रयुज्य सृष्टिप्रकरणे ’अनेन जीवेन आत्मना नामरूपे व्याकरवणि’, ’सः अहम् अस्मि- इति अग्रे व्याहरत् ततो अहम् नाम अभवत्’ इति उत्तम-पुरुषप्रयोगश्रवणात् तत्-सत्यं वस्तु अहं पदस्य परमार्थभूतः पुरुष आत्मा भवति-इति अवगम्यते ।
अतः सर्वभूतात्म-भूतात्मा सर्वेश्वरः पुरुषः सर्वत्र सृष्टौ-अहं-प्रत्यय-आश्रयः सन् अहंपदस्य परमार्थह् भवति । अग्नेः-विस्फुलिङ्गेषु-इव- ब्रह्मणः नाना-जीवेषु-अभिव्यक्तेषु देवदत्ते जीवव्यक्तौ-अहं प्रत्यय-आश्रयः य आत्मा स एव लक्ष्यः भवति ।
सर्वभूतात्म-भूतात्मा हि ब्रह्म ।
सर्वेषाम् भूतानाम्-आत्मभूतो य आत्मा स हि अद्वितीयः सर्वेश्वरः परमात्मा ।
तस्मात्-देवदत्त-यज्ञदत्त-आदिषु प्रत्येकम्-अहम्-आश्रयभूत-आत्मा-एव- अहम्-पदस्य लक्ष्यार्थः भवति ।
स च आत्मा व्यक्तौ व्यक्तौ पृथक्-अहम्-भावानुभूतेः आश्रयः भवति ।
सर्वाश्रयभूत-अव्यक्त-अखण्डात्मनः एव व्यक्त्याश्रय-भूतात्म-भूतत्वात्  व्यक्तजीवाश्रय-भूतात्मा अखण्ड-आत्मनः न भिन्न इति अभेदसिद्धान्त-रहस्यम् ।
इदम्-उक्तम् भवति ।
अहंपदस्य-अव्यक्त-अखण्ड-पद-परमात्मा परमार्थः ।
स एव-अनन्त-जीवव्यक्तीनाम्-आत्मरूपेण-आश्रयभूतत्वात्-लक्ष्यार्थो भवति ।
व्यक्तिषु प्रत्येकम् लक्ष्यभूतस्य-अन्तरात्मनः अनुग्रहात्-जडचेतन्न-उभय-संबंधवत्-प्राण-मनोमयो-उपाधिपदवाच्येन सूक्ष्मेण शरीरेण तादात्म्यम्-अनुभवन्-आत्माभासो अहङ्कारः एव अहंपदस्य वाच्यार्थो भवति ।
अहंपदवाच्यार्थभूतानां अनन्तानां व्यक्तिगतानां अहङ्काराणां सूक्ष्मशरीरवत्त्वात्-जीवपदवाच्यत्वं भवति ।
तस्मात् अहंपदवाच्यार्थः प्रतिजीवव्यक्तिः भिन्नः सन् सर्वत्र व्यक्तिषु पृथक्-अनुभवान् परिगृह्णन् पृथक्व्यक्तित्वानुकूलं व्यवहरति ।
कालत्रयसंबंधिनं अन्वयिनं सर्वार्थदर्शनं सर्वत्र व्यक्तिषु अहंपदस्य लक्ष्यार्थभूतं व्यक्त्याश्रयमेकं आत्मानं आश्रित्य एव जीवाख्यस्य अहङ्कारस्य व्यवहारः प्रवर्तते ।
अतो जीव- आत्मा-इति लोके व्यवहारः ।
भूतात्म-देहात्म-प्राणात्म-विज्ञानात्मादिपदवत् अभिमानि-चैतन्य-परमात्मपदम् अवगन्तव्यम् ।
अहङ्कारजीवनस्य चिदाभासस्य जीवस्य जन्मवत्वात्-अनित्यत्वम् ।
जीवव्यक्तेः आश्रयभूतचिदात्मा तु नित्य एव ।
तस्य अखण्ड-आत्मस्वरूपानन्यत्वात् ।
एवञ्च, अहंपदस्य परमार्थः एकः एव परमपुरुषः-अनेकजीवव्यक्त्याश्रयाभिमानेन लक्ष्यार्थः,व्यक्तिगतचिदाभासानुग्राहकत्वेन वाच्यार्थः च भवति इति अवधार्यम् ।
तस्मात् त्रिविधं अहं पदार्थं विविच्य गृह्णीयात् ।
तथा ग्रहणं परमार्थबोधोपयुक्तं भवति ।
Excerpt from :
By K.
(Eighth Edition, 1993)
(SIRAMANASRAMAM Tiruvannamalai-606603
Chapter IV, page 18-19-20
The Upanishads use the third person in stating the nature of Brahman as the Supreme Reality, as for instance in texts like "All this is verily Brahman" (सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्म), "The Brahman is one without a second" (ekamevādvitīyaṃ brahma),  (एकमेवाद्वितीयं ब्रह्म), "Brahman is truth, knowledge, endless" (satyaṃ jñānamanantaṃ brahma),  (सत्यं ज्ञानमनन्तं ब्रह्म), "Brahman is consciousness", (prajñānaṃ brahma).  (प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म). But, we find the first person used with reference to creation as in passages like "By this my living self, may I define it in name and form"- (anena jīvenātmanā nāmarūpe vyākaravāṇi)  (अनेन जीवेनात्मना नामरूपे व्याकरवाणि), He said at the outset 'I am' (Asmi); therefore 'I' (Aham), is His name" - (सोऽहमस्मीत्यग्रे व्याहरत् ततोऽहं नामाभवत्) (so:'hamasmītyagre vyāharat tato:'haṃ nāmābhavat).
The underlying idea is that the Supreme Truth, the One Existence mentioned in the third person becomes the self of all the created world and hence it is the Supreme 'I', -the 'पुरुष' - 'puruṣa'.
The Supreme Truth as it exists in and to itself cannot be referred to as either 'I' or 'this' as there can arise no question of 'I-ness' and 'this-ness' when the Absolute is viewed as it is in itself, unrelated to created or formed existence. But, viewed as the supreme soul source of all that is created, it is the पुरुष' - 'puruṣa', the Supreme Self, the 'I' of the whole movement. Hence, everywhere in creation, पुरुष' - 'puruṣa', the Lord of all, is the Supreme Self that has become the in-dwelling self of all His becomings and persists as the basis and support of the notion of 'I' in every being. Therefore, he is the first and final 'I', the ultimate reference and supreme sigmificance (परमार्थ) - (paramārtha)   of the word.
When like sparks from the flaming fire fire, the innumerable soul-forms or (जीव) (jīva) get differentiated from the (ब्रह्म) Brahman, it is the soul Self, the basis of the notion of 'I' that is signified in the various individuals. For ब्रह्म / Brahman is the Self that has become the self in and all created beings. (गीता 2/28) And this self is really the Supreme Self (परम आत्मन्)  (parama-ātman), the Lord of all, one without a second. It is the Self, the basis of 'I-notion' that is really signified in the various individuals, in X and in Y (देवदत्त / यज्ञदत्त) (devadatta  or yajñadatta). Free and Supreme in itself, it becomes the basis and support of the distinct experience of the separate egos formed in the different individuals. As it is the one not-manifest (अव्यक्त) (avyakta) / Ttranscendental Infinite that becomes the support of all manifested beings, the self in them is not different from but is the same as the One Infinte Self. And, this is the essential sense as the philosophic teaching that there are not as many selves but only One Self.
Now then, the परमार्थ (paramārtha), the supreme sense of 'I', is the Supreme Self, transcendent / un-manifest and infinite, the पुरुष (puruṣa). At the same time, as the inner self and support of all individual manifestations, He is the real significance of 'I', its लक्ष्यार्थ (lakṣyārtha) (Implied meaning) the 'I' really signified in the individuals.
The immediate and apparent sense of 'I' is the ego, as even that is a derivation from and figure of the surface, identifying itself with, and appropriating to itself, the subtle stuff of 'mind and life' that links the spirit with matter, the self with the body.
As the ego, which is the direct and immediate sense of 'I', is centered and figured in each of the distinct and separate individuals in a subtle movement of life-force and mind-stuff, it is termed जीव (jīva) here. This sense of 'I' is separate in each individual being and preserving the distinctness of the individual, behaves in a manner that would strengthen the individual's distinct character. But, such a movement of the ego or the apparent self has its roots and support in something that is the real basis of individuality and that does not move with or lose itself in the movement of the apparent self, a something that is a continuous conscious principle related to the past, present and future; that is the Real Self signified, the लक्ष्यार्थ (lakṣyārtha), in the individual, of which the ego is the apparent self.  This latter is different in different individuals and is loosely called जीव-आत्मन्  (jīva-ātman). But, आत्मन्  (ātman) the self is really one; the self of all individuals as of all existence is one. But, जीव (jīvas) or living beings are many, as many as the individuals that are formed. These are soul-formations that are dissoluble in time, unlike their supporting self which is eternal, being identical with the Infinite Eternal which maintains its many-centered existence in an endless movement of formation and dissollution.
Thus, we see that there are three distinct senses in which 'I' ’अहम्’ / ’aham’ is used.
The supreme meaning of 'I' ’अहम्’ / ’aham’, its परमार्थ (paramārtha), is the पुरुष (puruṣa) who becomes  the लक्ष्यार्थ (lakṣyārtha),  (the signified sense) in the individual, as it is the same self that presides over individual existence and the immediate or apparent sense of ’अहम्’ / ’aham’ 'I' , वाच्यार्थ (vācyārtha) is the ego or the apparent self formed temporarily for purposes of individuation.
Threefold then is the sense of self, the ’अहम्’ / ’aham’ 'I', and in its threefold sense it is to be understood.