A fine day in the past, I could well understood my confusion and got it cleared away.
Before that auspicious day, I was not even aware about this confusion which had gripped my being . Somehow my attention came to this most important point that affects every-one's life, though rarely one ever comes to think of.
Should I work for the world or for myself?
I never thought, what is my priority? Because without 'I', there is no such a world that needs me. But 'I' is always there with its world either in imagination or in perception.
So the only possible and fit way for me to adopt is :
'I' is prior to 'world' and I need to put my whole attention to this 'I', before I could do anything about the world.
Then again this world is never so well-defined, uncertain and I can never decide which part of this world needs and could be given help.
Then I proceeded to understand what I mean by 'Life' and 'world'. The history of the mankind in a nut-shell.
What went wrong with us in that history of our this world, this earth and the men living upon it and if it is possible for me to point out this error to this world and if the world at large would listen to me?
And I'm sharing my understanding in the capacity of just any other man who lives in this world and is interested and concerned about this world.
And I think I am not wrong if I say, What I have realized could have been realized by many a seers long before I came onto this earth. Namely ऋषि / ṛṣi -s of वेद / veda.
Polygamy and the institution of Marriage.
ऋषि / ṛṣi knew men (male) is basically polygamous while female is according to conditions.
This is / was the key-rule in animal kingdom.
ऋषि / ṛṣi knew this has its implications but for humans.
Human are born with a faculty of mind / intellect / thought that is not as much evolved and prominent in species other than human. Even in human different people are born with different inclinations, interests and tendencies. This is why 'race' is an important factor that significantly dominates a 'race' / 'nation'.
This word 'race' itself is 'rooted' in ऋषि / ṛṣi and there is a whole family of words that owe their origin to
√ऋ / √ṛ We see ऋग्वेद / ṛgveda is the first and the foremost वेद / veda.
The whole geographical region of the Continent of Indian Ocean is a rice-producing land and 'rice' has many equivalents in संस्कृत / saṃskṛta , such as :
व्रीहि, तण्डुलम्, ओदनम् , धानं / आधानं / धान्यं / अक्षत्
vrīhi, taṇḍulam, odanam , dhānaṃ / ādhānaṃ / dhānyaṃ / akṣat
and it is easy to see how how this whole region shared a common Vedic culture.
अग्रे ऋष् > agre ṛṣyan > agrerian
> ऋषि कुलतः > ṛṣi kulataḥ
> rice-cult > rice-cultivation,
tell us how cult is associated with कुलतः > kulataḥ and cultivation. and with अग्रे ऋष् > agre ṛṣyan > 'agrerian'.
But again √ऋ / √ṛ has unmistakably an echo in the words :
'rice', 'raise', 'rise', 'rich', 'reich' (German) and 'race'.
संस्कृत / saṃskṛta ऋषभः / ṛṣabhaḥ (bull) too indicates a possible link in the agrarian culture.
संस्कृत / saṃskṛta
√नृ / √nṛ gives us
नृप्ता नर, नारी, नारायण / nṛptā nara, nārī, nārāyaṇa /
that give us the words nephew, niece, natal (of birth), nation, Natsi / Nazi, nuptial, because the संस्कृत / saṃskṛta
√नृ / √nṛ explains why they have their these meanings.
What went wrong with us.
Veda insists that every human being is born with some typical, natural characteristics, common to all of its species, and some other acquired tendencies too, depending upon these as well as upon the environment and circumstances. The acquired tendencies are either learned voluntarily with conscious efforts or imbibed by / instilled into us by the society.
Thus there is an inherent tendency of 'learning' and discovering newer realms / horizons of 'learning' on one hand, and mimicking the behavior of other fellow-beings specially the parents, -male or female authority, one is supported, protected, nourished and nurtured by. This 'learning' is again of two broader types. One is aimed at survival and physical growth and development and enjoying whatever maximum pleasure one could derive at the physical and psychological level in life. This is the general characteristic usually present in all and every-one with no exception at all. When one is much advanced in sensitivity
Another emerges from the search and understanding the Life as a movement of consciousness in various forms gross and subtle personal and impersonal. This at once focuses attention upon the nature of consciousness as is manifest in all these myriad forms. A few have always possessed this yearning for learning about consciousness from the yore immemorial.
These ऋषि / ṛṣi from the distant past realized that There is धर्म / dharma that strings the whole existence in a single thread and just as a ऊर्णनाभ / ūrṇanābha (spider) creates a cobweb in the form of a gossamer-thread produced from within itself, and withdraws the same back, 'consciousness' is at the core of all manifestation.
This 'Constitution' -धर्म / dharma and this 'consciousness' are inseparable from one-another.
Then again this delicate but at the same time very strong thread that forms the fabric of Cosmos weaves such an intricate pattern that is incomprehensible to human intellect, just because this intellect itself is one of the infinite expressions of that Intelligence.
In this Intelligence, 'survival of the fittest' is the fundamental rule that governs the whole pattern. Its creation, nurturing, survival and dissolution, -return to original pristine pure state.
Species instinctively followed the way of procreation and if anything like cross-breeding happened that didn't violate the fundamental constitution laid down by the -धर्म / dharma,. so there was a limited though numerically a big number of all species, the entire 'living kingdom' strictly adhered to and followed their ingrained way of procreating the next generation. We could include the theory of evolution in this process, because Life is not a static phenomenon but a dynamic process, alive every moment.
ऋषि / ṛṣi (sages) discovered three core attributes of this 'Constitution' -धर्म / dharma, namely :
सत् / sat > सत्व / satva, रजस् / rajas, and तमस् / tamas,
They have a striking parallel in Physics in terms of 'Light', 'motion' and 'inertia' / force (gravitational or magnetic-electric).
Just as gravitational force corresponds to gross matter, electric charge to subtle matter, Light corresponds to causal matter.
But as the three are 'observed' by an entity which is conscious of them, they owe their existence upon the 'observer'. Let us hasten to say : This 'observer' is neither of the observed and just in-explicable and incomprehensible for the human intellect. But nevertheless, its existence and presence is a pre-condition for the existence of the 'observed'. And because the 'observed' can't exist on its own apart from this 'observer', we can safely infer that 'observed' is but the extension of the 'observer'.
Let us come back to individual.
The individual as is seen at the practical level is always a living physical body endowed with 'consciousness'. Presently let us limit our discussion to those animals, birds, fish and plants who 'grow' and procreate their exact duplicates in physical form / stereotypes. And this they do by means of copulation. genealogy deals with this in great details.
For the different species ऋषि / ṛṣi (sages) discovered the ancient-most link in terms of 4 kinds :
अण्डज / aṇḍaja : Those born of egg,
उद्भिज्ज / udbhijja : Those born of water,
स्वेदज / svedaja : Those born of swet / excreta,
जरायुज / jarāyuja : Those born of womb.
They ऋषि / ṛṣi (sages) also discovered that in nature men too are born likewise in 2 kinds.
ब्राह्मणिक brāhmaṇika
अब्राह्मणिक abrāhmaṇika
The first kind follows वेद-विहित आश्रम-धर्म / veda-vihita āśrama-dharma, while the second kind is but at an evolutionary stage and as those people, a lot of discordant groups having disputes of opinions about what is the right धर्म / dharma, and 'might is right' as the only motto to stick to.
The first kind again is classified in 4 वर्ण / varṇa / shades, are termed as ब्राह्मण क्षत्रिय वैश्य शूद्र / brāhmaṇa kṣatriya vaiśya śūdra / according to their genealogy. This genealogy is again based upon their respective inherent संस्कार / saṃskāra / tendencies they carry through their ancestral code. But again this code is defined by those 3 core-attributes
सत् / sat > सत्व / satva, रजस् / rajas, and तमस् / tamas, and their compound effect. Accordingly those born of ब्राह्मण / brāhmaṇa parents, क्षत्रिय / kṣatriya parents, वैश्य / vaiśya parents, शूद्र śūdra parents, have some particular prominent characteristic tendencies which if preserved through generations help them achieve the Supreme / The Ultimate meaning and purpose of Life.
Polygamy and monogamy,
This caused the need of the institution of marriage. Again as is the biological tendencies of male and female is seen in the animal kingdom, usually they follow the rule where a Male protects and leads a group herd or flock and more than one females are there in his herd. Though there is further variation in individual kinds. For example, some animals live in a group of freely mixing males and females, some copulate only in the breeding season.
As far as man is concerned, the seed comes from male. thus theoretically where xy + xx chromosomes give birth to xy or xx, while xx + xx are incapable of giving birth to any of them.
This is perhaps the reason why male-factor dominates the heredity, and is taken into account. genealogists could tell better.
If a male marries one or many females, the heredity is thus preserved, while when a female marries more than one male, the heredity is disturbed. The link is broken.
And once this lineage is disturbed the whole धर्म / dharma, is uprooted.
Arjun though puts a sound logic, bhagavān śrīkṛṣṇa suggests him in the proceeding dialogues :
You can't change the course of destiny and shall be prompted to do according to your tendencies. You can however get rid of the sense 'I do' / 'I do not do at all'. and leave the actions to Me, surrender them to Me, Or just realize the attributes of prakRti do whatever happens and
you are nowhere in the action good or evil.
Summarily, This whole history later on took the way to the present state of our 'world', that seems to have brought before us the clash of civilizations between those followed Abraham and those which were earlier to Abraham.
To be continued in the next part)