The Search of a new paradigm.
Civilization in its beginning, took different routes in different parts of the earth.
There were all those gifts of nature like the mountains, woods, oceans, plains, the rivers, and lush green Savannah along-with deserts.
Man evolved as a species, be a cave-man or one who had instinctive tendencies to stay alive and survive the challenges of living, in different ways.
But, was there really an evolution as we are taught and believe!
Could we ever know with certainty that this evolution really took place in a millennium or in a few thousand years!
We just can't believe that man and all other species could have born in a single spec of time, in an instant!
Time is such a cruel deception!
Let it be put aside for the moment.
Once the man had discovered the spoken language, and attained skill in talking and communicating in a meaningful way, he might have developed the ideas about God and such hypothetical things.
Before this he might have been adept in thinking and contemplating about himself and the world around him. Did he use any words of any language?
Well, most of the men might have discovered how to live in a society as an organic whole system, and as an organized entity.
There could have been the envy, authority, fear, struggle for power over the others and those stronger physically, then might have become the kings, the leaders of the people.
There may be others who had inclination to the deeper existential questions. Who saw in nature and the surroundings as if they could talk and communicate, connect well with all them, be it a tree or the stone, the sun, moon, stars, rivers, mountains, and even the dawn and the twilight.
Through sheer insight they could see that the existence is ever so expanding ( Brahman / ब्रह्मन्) and though they knew and understood that the space is but a non-material attribute of this whole existence, that is a universe in itself, consciousness is the very foundation upon which is this stupendous whole stands and yet no one knows from where came this whole!
But it might have flashed soon upon them, that this consciousness is truly five-fold that one is endowed with in the forms of the 5 senses.
These five senses, or the five organs of sight, speech, sound, smell and touch are, through which, the space where one finds himself during waking hours, is something which is this very non-material sky which he thinks has no beginning nor end.
He also knew by comparing the three states of consciousness, (which he still didn't try to define), that there is a dream-state, and yet another, -the deep, dreamless sleep state, which one goes through repeatedly, where this consciousness is the only connecting thread, upon which these three states are strung over, like the flowers in a garland.
So, the sky and the waking state is inherent essentially within the same consciousness of which, the waking, the dream and the deep dreamless sleep are the three manifestations only.
He and those other 'seers' like him might have seen that the Reality is within, and not there in the external visible world outside there!
Though this manifest visible world is also very well structured and consistent, perfect in its own place and own way, devoid of any visible contradictions, there are sure many a paradoxes there as well, and we can perhaps never resolve them, because this state itself is uncertain and a temporary one.
Better, if we dive deep within and try to find out the truth of the matter (and the truth of the non-matter as well!).
What instrument could possibly help us in finding out this!
No doubt, the 'attention' itself is the pointer that is presently available to us. And it is the best one also.
So they might have turned their attention inwards, and tried to understand this very consciousness itself indeed.
There they might have discovered the Veda, ( वेद), because what they learned and taught to others was so orderly, compact, systematic, and perfect that there was no contradiction any, between what they had learnt and what they taught.
The first clan (नृवंश) who went after in search of power and earth (land) was named :
Kshatriya / क्षत्रिय,
The next, who went in search of truth and the knowledge, the wisdom and the Reality, was named :
Rishi / ऋषि, Brahmana / ब्राह्मण,
Then the third clan who were after worldly wealth and prosperity, affluence, ensconced happily deep into that, wished these things here in life and even in some future life, if there exists such a one, was named :
Vaishya / वैश्य
While the rest who were only after living the life for pleasures of this kind and had the sole motto :
"Eat, drink and merry",
by what-ever means and in what-ever way, were named :
Shudra / शूद्र.
As these tendencies are more or less in all human beings, these are only 'shades' and not the colors / essential characteristics of all and every-one.
This way, these 'shades' were named :
Varna / वर्ण ,
Which implies, though all are born as
Shudra / शूद्र,
Through merit and qualities, they grow up as any one of the above-mentioned 4 kinds.
More over, one may have a mixed up kind of such tendencies, but none is either inferior or superior over the rest.
The Rishi / ऋषि discovered Dharma / धर्म, the essential truth of all and everything and no one can transcend or escape from the same.
This principle / element (तत्व) was named :
Yama / यम,
That governs life and death of all.
Then they discovered :
Destiny / नियति,
What ordains happenings at all times, and of every kind, everywhere in the consciousness of the individual (व्यष्टि),
and of the Totality (समष्टि),
Though all live and have the life in the same Brahman / ब्रह्मन्,
Everyone tends to think he is a unique, and alone in his world where innumerable like him also live and there is possibly,
A Supreme Lord,
Who controls and regulates lives and death of all.
This Religion Perennial, was named :
सनातन चिरन्तन धर्म.