Referring to Indirectly,
For He shouldn't be named.
He is so strong and Powerful.
Like the Virtual BrahmarAkShasa.
For He is The Lord of these Times!
These are the crucial Times,
When no-one can Fight Him,
But for sure, one can Elude and Evade Him.
Remember this mantra, That is to be chanted with pure mind,
In the Spirit of a devotional hymn.
कर्कोटकस्य नागस्य दमयन्त्या नलस्य च।
ऋतुपर्णस्य राजर्षेः कीर्तनं कलिनाशनम्।।
It is enough to remember and chant this everyday at a certain time in the morning / evening. Please don't share this post or the mantra with anyone.
Caution :
As, Sharing this with anyone may attract His attention and wrath too, so just be careful!