Saturday, 13 May 2023

इतरेतर अध्यास वृत्ति न्याय

Superimposition  / इतरेतर अध्यास वृत्ति न्याय 


This refers to :

Vedanta Lifestyle 

Wrote an interesting post about अध्यारोप / Superimposition.

Explaining the rope and serpent analogy, it was said that the appearance of the serpent in the rope is in the imagination.

Then the memory of the serpent too is of the one, a serpent as was seen in the past. These two have been superimposed on each-other.

I can say this is what is precisely meant by  वृत्ति / vritti in the parlance of Patanjali Yoga darshana. In the वृत्ति-निरोध  / vritti -nirodha / cessation of vritti, इतरेतर अध्यास / the mutual Superimposition is at once eliminated.

I just can't say how far correct may be my  approach!

According to Maharshi Patanjali's darshana :

समाधिपाद :

वृत्तयः पञ्चतय्यः क्लिष्टाक्लिष्टाः।।५।।


प्रत्यक्षानुमानागमाः प्रमाणानि।।७।।

The word "प्रमाण" as was used there is also in the true spirit of the sense as is in the above  aphorism 7th.

Still, there could be another approach to this one. The analogy of thought and the thinker. Is not the thought a वृत्ति / vritti? And is not the thinker, the memory of the past? Is not "the thinker" a विकल्प vikalpa, while thought is a विपर्यय / viparyaya?

विपर्ययो मिथ्याज्ञानमतद्रूपप्रतिष्ठम्।।८।।

शब्दज्ञानानुपाती वस्तुशून्यो विकल्पः।।९।।

accordingly, thought is विपर्यय / viparyaya, while "the thinker" is विकल्प / vikalpa.

इतरेतर अध्यास न्याय! 

Just wanted to make and share a note about this.
