Friday, 5 January 2018

Autobiography of God / ईश्वर की आत्म-कथा

ईश्वर की आत्म-कथा 
Autobiography of God.
Worn, torn and tired this man,
As if has waked-up just now,
A moment ago, disturbed from,
The deep calm sleep unbroken,
His heavy eye-lids laden still,
With sleep, though not in dream,
In a hang-over of that sleep,
Looks around, about oneself,
For a while, will return again,
To that place, of his own where,
No letters or messages are sent,
Nor letters or messages arrive,
This worn, torn and tired man.
Why the rumblings let not him sleep,
What he has here to gain or lose?
What does he want, why wake-up him?
He needs not to wake-up nor awakened.
The only philosophy that he sticks to,
Let sleep every-one in peace blissfully. 
This worn, torn and tired man.
If you long for getting woke-up,
If you need to get waken-up,
If you desire to wake-up others,
If it is your duty or responsibility,
If you are compelled to do this,
Where does he stop or object to?
Don’t trouble him, let him asleep,
Let him asleep in comfort, in bliss,
This worn, torn and tired man.

Thursday, 4 January 2018

अथ शीर्षम् / atha śīrṣam / Circum

संस्कृतम् / saṃskṛtam
अथ शीर्षम्
atha śīrṣam
शीर्ष  śīrṣa > Circa (year)
शीर्षम् śīrṣam > circum (prefix) the head, topmost,
शीर्षस्थं śīrṣasthaṃ > Circumstance
 शीर्षस्थानम् śīrṣasthānam > Circumstance,
 शीर्षस्थानञ्च śīrṣasthānañca > Circumstance,
शीर्षम् परञ्च śīrṣam parañca > Circumference,
शीर्षम् प्ररञ्च śīrṣam prarañca > Circumference,
छिद् > chid > cease, cede,
शीर्षम् छिद्यम् śīrṣam chidyam   Circumcise,
शीर्षम् वान्तम् śīrṣam vāntam > circumvent,
शीर्षम् नावि गति / śīrṣam nāvi gati > circumnavigate,

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

परिस्थितियाँ / विचार और टिप्पणी

एक विचार :
परिस्थितियाँ हमसे वही करवाना चाहती हैं जो हम नहीं करना चाहते ।
एक टिप्पणी :
क्या परिस्थितियाँ वाक़ई कुछ चाहती हैं या चाह सकती हैं?
कहने में तो यह ठीक लगता है लेकिन इसे ऐसे भी तो कह सकते हैं :
परिस्थितियाँ ऐसी बन जाती हैं कि हमें वही करने के लिए विवश होना पड़ता है जो कि हम नहीं करना चाहते!
लेकिन एक और बुनियादी सवाल यह है कि क्या हम परिस्थिति का ही एक हिस्सा नहीं हैं?
शायद यह कहना बेहतर होगा कि क्या परिस्थिति हमारा ही हिस्सा नहीं है?
दोनों स्थितियों में कुछ करने न-करने का प्रश्न ही कहाँ उठता है?
मैं अनुमान लगा सकता हूँ कि यह वक्तव्य किसी असंतोष को प्रकट करता है, लेकिन क्या यह असंतोष भी इस परिस्थिति का या हमारा ही हिस्सा नहीं है? जिसे हम परिस्थिति कहते हैं क्या वह हमसे पृथक / भिन्न कोई ऐसी स्वतन्त्र वस्तु / व्यक्ति है जिस पर हम अपनी इच्छा लाद सकें, या जो हम पर अपनी इच्छा लाद सके?
A Thought :
The Circumstances force us to do what we don't want to do.
A Comment :
Do the circumstances force us or think of forcing their will upon us?
Is there really such a thing like their will?
The sentence looks quite convincing in the way we use the language, but the same could be said in these words :
The Circumstances appear as if against what we want to do, and we are compelled to do exactly the opposite of what we want to do.
But there is again a basic and equally or even more important a question :
'Are we not a part of the Circumstances?'
Or in other words :
'Is not, The Circumstances a part of ourselves?'
In both cases, where arises a question of doing something about them?
I can guess the thought indicates some resentment and dissatisfaction on the part of the questioner, but again, is the resentment / dissatisfaction also not a part of the Circumstances?
Is the thing that we call 'The Circumstances' has its separate existence apart from us?
Is 'The Circumstances' an animate or inanimate object outside us, which we can control or alter like a thing of physical kind, in any way what-so-ever, or which can control or alter us in any way what-so-ever?